Saturday, January 3, 2009

Disaster Management

Disaster Management

The world has taken a lot of effort, time, money, manpower, common sense to have the word planned, implemnted and executed.

Yet as it is, nothing can be planned for some disasters natural or man made. So as the world comes to terms from such disaster as they take place or after, it creates lot of interest among common people, muncipalities, Government office, and the media.

So how does one prepare for disater is something that every home every individual from parents, teachers, employers, employees, children should be aware of. How does one start with is is what everyone asks.

Well to start with erevy home should have the basic kit prepared to begin with a medical kit, though it might not necessarily be for disater but for medical emergencies at home. From home one does learn how to have certain preparation to tackle emergencies be it what is to be kept handy, where, whom to contact, how to handle the situation till help, experts come in, where to go, all this and more. But the important thing being the basis preparedness to be there and also to periodically have the same reheaserd, drill, or practised, take stock of and in times also excecuted so as to limit the damage and manage for further continuity.

So learning from past experience all over the world one comes across lot of media reports and papers written on how to manage disaster whether big or small.

Trying to have well planned disaster managment set up for a village, town, city, country, regional area involves dedicated people , authority, government funding, regular monitoring and learning and unlearning at times to be done.

So as to understand all this we have tried to gather information on how others have managed in times of different disasters. In this process it will help us to to know what will be best suited for a particular region, city , country , instituion etc.

To begin with we will try and build up a database of organisation, institution, government, country specific who have already made and documented certain procedure and made avaiable on the internet.

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